Sunday, March 1, 2009

Back in Ohio

After leaving this yesterday...

We woke up to this, this morning...

I think if Bob's boat could talk, it would have been uttering a few expletives!! The three of us were wondering what sort of weather we would find in Ohio, as we still had another 5 hours north to travel. Mind you, it was good fortune that we left a day earlier than originally planned, as there were tornados down south in the area we had just passed through. In fact it was snowing just 50 miles north of Florida!!

As it turned out, the weather actually improved the further north we went, until we arrived back in Ohio to blue skys, even though it was -3 celsius.

We stopped for lunch at another 'Country Basket', which is a franchise chain which features 'old style' cooking. Each restuarant has a large shop full of homely old style goods, which you wait in until your table is ready. One item caught my eye, a book full of photos of the message boards outside churches, with their various sayings and quotations. Many of the messages I found inciteful and appropriate, and one in particular caught my eye.

"Failure is not falling down, it is not getting back up."

I think that saying will stick with me for a long time, one to remember during those life situations which seem particularly challenging.

And for those who find the concept of blue skies in Ohio challenging, here they are!

The house certainly looks a lot different from when we left it - there actually was a lawn under all the snow! Mind you, the high for tomorrow is currently forecast at -7 celsuis, with a low of -14. I don't think I'll be outside playing in the sun!!

Bye for now!

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