I realised I hadn't posted any pictures of the neighbourhood, so I thought it would be nice to share some of those.
That is Bob's boat sticking out of the garage - he is still waiting to get it out on the water!! Actually he has just headed out now to buy an anchor, so he is getting closer day by day! The more observant among you will notice that the houses don't have gutters. Another cost cutting measure taken here. Here we can see the street we live in - it is an odd neighbourhood in that the street-scaping and entrance to the area is gorgeous, however the standard of workmanship on the homes themselves has room for improvement.
The lessons with Asset Expansion Development are continuing to impress me. Each day Nick proves his mastery of both his craft, and his ability to express and teach the material. Each lesson I get new specific insights and understandings. Most importantly this knowledge is specific and solid and therefore applicable.
Reading the Natural News site today I followed a series of links to end up watching this video. Many people I speak to think the worst of the current financial crisis has been hit. If you are one of those people, you may wish to watch this video...
Second Financial Economic Crash Coming - Huge & Soon
Not good news perhaps, however if this means you adopt a state of preparedeness then it is good viewing.
Well time for my Tai Chi practice - I'll be back with another post in a day or so!!
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